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The 43rd Annual SSF-IIIHS Int’l Conference
The premier conference for harmonious integration of Science and Spirituality

Speakers Directory


Drs Ginette & Linda Kemp

Ginette Kemp, PhD & Linda Kemp, PhD

Certified energy workers, Crystals Healing practitioners and Sacred Sound Healing teachers; therapeutic counsellors for over 20 years; developed Sacred Sound Healing group meditations five years ago as a unique way to reach out and help more people

Session 2 (Prelude)Session 4 (Prelude)Session 21a

Benoit Lapierre

Benoit Lapierre, PhD

Author, teacher and practitioner; specialist in BrainGym® and Educational Kinesiology, Institut IP (Innovation & Performance), Posturology, Integrative Health Ideologies, Applied Movement Neurology, early development, somatic language and spiritual creativity; works with infants, couples and expectant parents

Session 22c

Gaelynn Lea

Gaelynn Lea

Classically trained violinist and songwriter blends her love of traditional tunes, songwriting, poetry and sonic exploration; NPR Tiny Desk Contest winner (2016); lectures on disability (she lives with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or Brittle Bone Disease) and overcoming challenges, and uses her music to advocate for people with disabilities

Session 6Session 10 (Prelude)Session 11c

Rev. Dr. Mikel Lizarralde

Rev. Mikel Lizarralde, PhD

Esteemed Spanish proof-of-survival medium, clairvoyant, tarot reader, and teacher; trained at the SSF-IIIHS, and the British Spiritualists National Union; founder of the IZARPE spirituality centre, an SSF affiliate, and IZARGI, offering bereavement therapy

Session 10cSession 15cSession 16 (Postlude)Session 21 (Prelude)Session 26 (Postlude)

“Antara” Kyra Lober

“Antara” Kyra Lober

Creator of Body Being & Heart healing for body and spirit; classes, trainings and retreats integrate the transformative aspect of spiritual awareness into a wide range somatic modalities including CranioSacral Therapy, Body-Mind Centering and Vibrational Acupuncture

Session 12d

Dr. Jeffrey Long

Jeffrey Long, MD

Radiation oncologist in Houma, LA; a leading NDE researcher, having studied over 4000 NDEs; founder of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation; author, with Paul Perry, of the New York Times best seller, Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences and, most recently, God and the Afterlife

Session 3

Mark Macy

Mark Macy

Pioneer researcher in “Instrumental Transcommunication” (ITC), the use of technology to contact spirit realms; author of Spirit Faces: Truth About the Afterlife and others

Session 24b

Constant Madon

Constant A. Madon, PhD

Retired professor, broker, and government bond trader, now focussing his talents on energy work and the body-mind-spirit connection that bring together the physical and spiritual worlds in a whole, seamless process; co-author, with Busta Akong, of Magical Encounters

Session 17d

Dr. Emily Markides

Emily Markides, PhD

Sociologist committed to issues of personal, social, and global change, spirituality, peace, and ecological sustainability; founder of the International EcoPeace Village in her native Cyprus; professor at the U. of Maine, in Orono, ME; founder of ESTIA, The International EcoPeace Community

Session 9c

Dr. Kyriacos Markides

Kyriacos Markides, PhD

Sociology professor, U. of Maine, in Orono, ME; prolific and popular author of nine books, including The Mountain of Silence, which explores Christian mystics, spiritual guides, and elders of Eastern Christianity; his latest book is Inner River: A Pilgrimage to the Heart of Christian Spirituality; lectures worldwide and has appeared on radio and TV

Session 13cSession 14d

Anadi Martel & Ma Premo

Anadi Martel & Ma Premo

Physicist; president, International Light Association; developed Spatial Sound Processors used by NASA and IMAX; holds Light Modulation and LED-based design patents; author of Light Therapies: A Complete Guide to the Healing Power of Light; psychotherapist Ma Premo, with whom he co-created the Sensora system, co-presents

Session 5

Dr. Manuel Matas

Manuel Matas, MD, FRCPC

Psychiatrist whose focus is metapsychiatry — the confluence of psychiatry with metaphysics, spirituality and philosophy of mind; served on the Board of the Canadian Psychiatric Association and others; author of The Borders of Normal: A Clinical Psychiatrist De-Stigmatizes Paranormal Phenomena

Session 26c

Leah Mohammed

Leah Mohammed

Teacher experienced in introspective meditation, mirror work, journaling and positive affirmations; Love Energetics® energy healer (2017); now fulfills her passion for helping others to transform, so that they no longer feel overwhelmed by their thoughts and emotions, but experience a greater sense of well-being

Session 16a

Emily Molefe

Emily Molefe

Founder of the Lebuwe Centre for People with Disabilities (1978); past work experience includes tutor, nurse, matron and Nursing Council administrator; an inspirational community leader and the guiding force behind the growth and prominence of the Lebuwe Centre

Session 15b

Mpho Molefe

Mpho Molefe

Attorney in the African Church; studied at the University of Natal in Durban, South Africa (now incorporated into the University of KwaZulu-Natal); mystic and leader

Session 13cSession 20a

Dr. Raymond Moody

Raymond Moody, MD, PhD

Celebrated psychiatrist; scholar in classical antiquities; leading authority on Near-Death Experience; distinguished Senior Fellow of the IIIHS; author of Life After Life; Glimpses of Eternity: Sharing a Loved One’s Passage From This Life to the Next; Coming Back: A Psychiatrist Explores Past-Life Journeys; and many others

Session 3Session 8cSession 10

Dr. Adhi Moonien Two-Owls

Adhi Moonien Two-Owls, PhD

Shaman, healer, and artist who studies the design, function and use of Sacred Objects worldwide, and uses these ancient sciences and designs to develop contemporary objects that meet today’s needs; facilitates workshops on a variety of creative and spiritual subjects and holds community Shaman study groups and healing circles

Session 13cSession 26c

Dr. Judith Moore

Judith K. Moore, PhD

Visionary, mystic and conscious trance medium; Oracle for the Records of Creation and Divine messenger from the Wisdom of Universal Oneness; guides individuals through the veil to resolve old soul wounds and awaken the light of the soul; author of A New Formula for Creation, Crop Circles Revealed, and others

Session 5Session 28a

Aurora Murillo Gonzalez

Aurora Murillo Gonzalez

Spanish psychologist; practitioner/instructor of ThetaHealing® Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, and Manifesting and Abundance seminars; Vocational Guidance expert, Homeospagyria specialist; integrates NLP, Transactional Analysis, Applied Psychology, and Protoanalysis

Session 23b

Karen Newell

Karen Newell

Innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation; co-founder of Sacred Acoustics™; empowers others in their journeys of self-discovery; researches many forms of acoustic enhancement for attaining altered states of awareness; co-author with Dr. Eben Alexander of Living in a Mindful Universe

Session 4Session 10cSession 11b

Rev. Kathy Nyitrai

Rev. Kathy Nyitrai, ND

Reverend, naturopath, fashion designer, and artist specializing in mediumnistic drawings of spirit guides

Session 13 (Postlude)Session 22bSession 23 (Postlude)