Session 20
Thurs., Aug. 16, 2018 • 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. • $35
Moderators: a) Fadel Behman, PhD; b) Raul Valverde, PhD; c) Marilyn Rossner, PhD; d) Rev. John White

a*) Mpho Molefe: “Mysticism and Interfaith Perspectives” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
Mpho Molefe, attorney in the African Church, shares his South African take on his own religious background and the positive aspects of interreligious cooperation.

b*) PrinCess Jeaneé: “A Remote Viewing Primer” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
In this participatory workshop, PrinCess Jeaneé, remote viewer and leader in research and instruction at The Farsight Institute, will describe the process of remote viewing using highly advanced methodologies that are derived from those originally developed by the U.S. military. Participants will learn and practice introductory techniques of remote-viewing. PrinCess is the most experienced participant in Farsight’s Time-Cross Project, a heavily subscribed monthly predictive news show. Her monthly YouTube reports have a worldwide audience that numbers in the tens of thousands.

c*) Bishop Kevin Daniels, DMin, EdD: “The Pedagogy of Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit as an Infinite Conduit for Social and Personal Change” — Part 1 (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Examine the ancient as well as the contemporary workings of the Holy Spirit for our times. Practical examples will be given of both the transcendent and immanent activities of the only, the life-giving and transformative work. This workshop is also designed to re-calibrate and centre you for your next assignment. Prophetic demonstration will be provided and activated. (Continued in Session 23a)

d*) Daniel Richard: “Achieving Divine Potential with the Help of Mantras” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Mantras can be used to increase our spiritual energy and remove obstacles to reach our Divine potential. Get closer to your Inner Self by raising your vibration through mantras, and perceive, more clearly and while being protected, the inner guidance to fulfill your goals.
*Simultaneous presentations: Select a or b or c or d