Session 11
Tues., Aug. 15, 2017 • 8:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. • $40
Moderators: a) Raul Valverde, PhD; b) Paul Perry; c) Ana Francisca García Trelles, PhD

a*) R. Craig Hogan, PhD: “The State of the Art in Afterlife Communication” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Dr. Hogan continues his report on recent developments in Afterlife research.
Session 6)

b*) Raymond Moody, MD, PhD: “How to Think About Things That Don't Make Sense” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
The big questions of existence require thinking about literal meaning and figurative meaning simultaneously. Yet logic is based solely on literal meaning. This workshop proffers exercises to reformat your mind to think coherently about life after death, free will, and the meaning of life.

c*) Ed McGaa, JD: “Sioux Lakota Spirituality” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
What made these original inhabitants so harmonic, environmental and humanitarian when compared with latter dominant society? Sun Dance, Vision Quest, Sweat Lodge, and Spirit Calling are principal ceremonies acknowledging and communicating Sioux Lakota theological, cosmological and non-proselytizing concepts. Every summer, Canadian tribes, among others, now migrate to our reservations to embrace and return with the preserved commonality of spiritual knowledge.