Session 1
Fri., Aug. 11, 2017 • 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. • $40
Presiding: Fadel Behman, PhD

Opening Ceremonies (1 hr)
▸ Processional entrance accompanied by bagpipes
▸ Welcome & Introduction: Prof. Marilyn Rossner, PhD, EdD, President, SSF
▸ Dedication of Conference to Fr. John Rossner, PhD
▸ Greeting from our UN NGO Representative: Elaine Valdov, PhD, former Chair, Executive Committee of Non-Governmental Organizations affiliated with the United Nations

James J. Hurtak, PhD, PhD, & Desiree Hurtak, PhD: “The Keys of Enoch®: A Look at the New Discoveries in Science and Spirituality in the 21st Century” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
Drs. Hurtak will focus on the new power of Consciousness being confirmed as a force of nature that leads to spiritual gifts and the evidence of Ultra-terrestrial Intelligence. Using Sacred Music to bridge an awareness of who we are here and now in deep connection with our Higher Selves, we will see how we are becoming beings ready for the empowerment of Ascension.