Welcome to the world’s premier conference for the harmonious integration of science and spirituality

The International Institute of Integral Human Sciences is a non-governmental organization affiliated with the United Nations Department of Public Information, for the promotion of global interreligious and intercultural understanding, and for the convergence of science, spirituality and universal human values.

The Spiritual Science Fellowship of Canada is an interfaith member unit of the International Council of Community Churches, affiliated with the World Council of Churches, Geneva, offering spiritual services and educational programs to people of all traditions.


Fr. John Rossner, PhD, DLitt
Fr. Dr. John Rossner was an Anglican priest and a prominent professor of comparative religion and culture at Concordia University in Montreal. A visionary scholar of incomparable wisdom and erudition, he founded the Spiritual Sciences Fellowship (SSF) and the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences (IIIHS) that gave birth to an unprecedented global Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural network comprised of distinguished scientists and spiritual leaders who were at the forefront of research in the new sciences of consciousness and healing.
His spiritual legacy lives on today through the SSF-IIIHS International Conference, as well as his many works and teachings. In August of 2012, Fr. John transitioned to the afterlife, from where he continues to inspire the world.

Marilyn Rossner, PhD, EdD
Dr. Marilyn Rossner is the founder-president of the SSF, and vice-president and co-founder of the IIIHS; a well-respected spiritual teacher and researcher, who has dedicated her life to spreading the message of world peace and spiritual oneness. She is a retired professor of special care counselling at Vanier College, Montreal, and has served on the faculties of McGill and Concordia Universities.
Dr. Marilyn is an award-winning children’s behaviour therapist, a world-renowned intuitive and visionary, an interfaith minister (ICCC), and the organizer of IIIHS Conferences. She has shared her magnificent gifts of the Spirit throughout the world, and is known for her soul-stirring messages from the spiritual realms, and her visions of what is significant in life now.

Our Volunteers
The SSF-IIIHS, co-sponsoring organizations, conference committee members, organizers and hosts freely volunteer their time and generously share the best of their abilities to provide you with an unforgettable learning experience. We hope that you will enjoy it! “We thank you for the inspiring opportunity you give us to serve YOU!”