Int’l College Curriculum

The SSF-IIIHS Curriculum of Studies includes the following four areas:

Area I
Personal, Spiritual, & Psychic Development
Prof. Marilyn Rossner, PhD, EdD, and others

Area II
World Religions & Transformative Experiences
Fr. John Rossner, PhD, DLitt,
Prof. Kyriakos Markides, PhD, and others

Area III
New Paradigms in Science, Spirituality, & Healing
Dr. Fadel Behman, PhD, MSc, and others

Area IV
Pastoral Studies & Therapeutic Counselling
Prof. Marilyn Rossner, PhD, EdD,
Prof. Maria Gomori, PhD, MSW, and others

For more information, please visit The International College of Spiritual & Psychic Sciences (ICSPS).


Private Benefit Readings with visiting SSF Intuitives, will be available at lunch and dinner periods, throughout the ten-day event. These readings are provided for spiritual education & recreation. Guest intuitives volunteer their services as a benefit activity for the SSF, a registered charity. Please make appointments in advance, at the conference desk.

All of the speakers listed here are confirmed at this time. However, should anyone be unable to attend (for any reason), the committee will provide substitute speakers and/or topics.

The views of each speaker are personal and do not necessarily reflect those of other speakers, or of the sponsoring organizations.

The SSF-IIIHS, co-sponsoring organizations, conference committee members, organizers, and hosts, have freely volunteered their time and given the best of their abilities to provide you with an unforgettable learning experience. We hope that you enjoy it!

Here is a printable registration form in PDF format (625 KB) that you can complete and return to the SSF-IIIHS by mail or by fax.


The Int’l Institute of Integral Human Sciences (IIIHS) is a non-governmental organization affiliated with the United Nations Department of Public Information, for the promotion of global inter-religious and intercultural understanding, and for the convergence of science, spirituality, & universal human values.

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The Spiritual Science Fellowship of Canada (SSF) is an interfaith member unit of the International Council of Community Churches, affiliated with the World Council of Churches, Geneva, offering spiritual services and educational programs to persons of all traditions.