Session 14
Wed., Aug. 21, 2019 • 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. • $40
Musical Meditation led by Jacques Gravel, avant-garde bass trombonist with a flair for the experimental and a penchant for acoustic sounds
a*) Rev. John White: “Working with the Spiritual Masters” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Become your own spiritual practitioner by awakening the gifts of your spirit. Rev. John explains how to meditate with the spiritual masters; how to understand consciousness and how the spiritual masters think; and how to create your own reality through natural law. Come find out who or what your higher self is.
b*) Hasu Patel: “Techniques to Awaken the Music Within” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Music is the glory and beauty of Heaven and earth. It opens the unknown door. World-class Indian classical sitarist Hasu Patel leads the way.
c*) Daniel Richard: “Mantra Meditation” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
A mantra is a combination of syllables that, when repeated, builds up a specific spiritual energy. Mantra energies can help us achieve our life goals (family, career, social standing), create a protective shield around us in time of need, and remove obstacles on the spiritual path to promote a better connection to our Higher Self. Learn how to practice mantras, and start a meditation practice with a mantra tailored to better serve your needs.
Amit Goswami, PhD & Valentina Onisor, MD: “Quantum Activism & Spiritual Healing: Day Three”
The potent duo of Goswami and Onisor continue their dual-themed presentation on this final day of their three-day quantum extravaganza. (See Session 8 and Session 11 for more.)
Extra-registration: $150 for all three days (or $125, if paid by May 15, 2019)
*Simultaneous presentations: Select a or b or c or Three-Day Workshop