The 37th Annual SSF-IIIHS International Conference

July 6 to 15, 2012

Hotel Delta Centre-Ville
777 University Street
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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International College Week Schedule

C1 = Conference 1   •   CW = College Week   •   C2 = Conference 2   •   Sx = Session x

*Simultaneous presentations: Select a or b or c or d


Monday, July 9

College Week
Session 1
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

a) Cairo P. Rocha, PhD
b) Elaine Valdov, PhD
c) L. Mehl-Madrona, MD
d) Judith K. Moore

PRELUDE: 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. • Meditation led by Marilyn Rossner, PhD, EdD, followed by the International College Orientation, Enquires, and Information Meeting also with Dr. Rossner

Chartres Cathedral
Nora Gedgaudas


a*) Nora T. Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT: “Creating Primal Health in the Modern World” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
The author of Primal Body, Primal Mind helps us to navigate “the confusing and harsh landscape of nutritional lore.”

Raymond Moody


b*) Raymond Moody, MD, PhD: “Shared Death Experiences: Their Characteristics and Implications” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Recent decades have seen the publication of a vast number of studies of near-death experiences. Shared death experiences are a closely related or identical phenomenon reported by bystanders at someone’s death. Dr Moody presents a detailed phenomenology of shared death experiences and an analysis of their implications for the rational study of the dying process.

Barbara Mainguy


c*) Barbara Mainguy, MFA, MA: “Sacred Drama: The Lakota Sundance as a Healing Form” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
The term Sacred Drama envelops everything from the Nativity Play to drama created through seeking spiritual inspiration. The Lakota Sundance is a sacred drama form that invokes spirits, and engages participants in sacred role play in hopes of healing through transcendence.

Stephen Jenkinson


d*) Stephen Jenkinson, MTS, MSW: “Making Your Best Case to the Holy: The Art of Prayer” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Prayer, in service to something beyond our comfort, benefit, or need, carried to a mystery that grows more mysterious: learned in this way, prayer is part supplication and part demand, part heart brokenness and part jurisprudential spiritual savvy. This is a skill of the saint and the sage, and the birthright of every human. This workshop teaches the redemptive, human ability for this kind of praying.


Monday, July 9

College Week
Session 2
2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

a) Fadel Behman, PhD
b) Elaine Valdov, PhD
c) Barbara Mainguy, MA
d) Lilly Rahman

P.M.H. Atwater


a*) P.M.H. Atwater, LHD, PhD (Hon.): “The Great Shifting: 2012 and Beyond” (Lecture: 3½ hrs)
The Great Shifting refers to the turning of the Cosmic Year, and to the next cycle in Creation’s Great Story. The Mayan Calendar currently indicates an evolutionary movement in the human family to an acceleration of the Fifth World, the appearance of the “new kids” or the Fifth Root Race, and a dramatic increase in threshold experiences worldwide. Dr. Atwater explains what’s going on.

Raymond Moody


b*) Raymond Moody, MD, PhD: “Reunions: Building and Using a Psychomanteum” (Lecture: 3½ hrs)
Dr. Moody reports on an astonishing ancient Greek technique for evoking apparitions of the deceased. Participants will learn how to construct a simple apparatus and use a procedure for experiencing vivid, lifelike visions of deceased loved ones. The program will discuss the use of evoked apparitions to alleviate the suffering of grief.

Lewis Mehl-Madrona


c*) Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD: “Stories of the Lives of Saints and Sages as Narrative Therapy” (Lecture: 3½ hrs)
Research confirms that blood pressure drops when we listen to stories of others who have reduced their high blood pressure. We become more generous when we hear about generous people. By listening to or reading about the heroic lives of saints and sages, we incorporate their values and practices into our own lives. Including the lives of spiritual heroes in our clinical work is smart, outcome-based practice.

Lilly Rahmann


d*) Lilly Rahmann: “Crystal Energy and Meditation with Crystal Skulls” (Lecture: 3½ hrs)
Open up your third eye. Increase consciousness by learning to focus with crystal skulls. Experience a hands-on approach to self healing and telepathy.

POSTLUDE: 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. • Dr. Marilyn & Dr. John’s 38th Wedding Anniversary Dessert Party

Rossner’s 38th Wedding Anniversary

Monday, July 9

College Week
Session 3
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

a) Fadel Behman, PhD
b) Rev. Bibiane Lyman
c) Melvin Morse, MD
d) Elaine Valdov, PhD

PRELUDE: 7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. • A Sampling of Spanish Dance including Classical Folk Dance, Aragon Folk Dance, and Flamenco, with dancer, Miguel Fuente

Miguel Fuente
Ibrahim Karim


a*) Ibrahim Karim, PhD, DrSc: “The Role of Sacred Power Spots in the Evolution of Society” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Dr. Karim continues his exploration, and leads you through a Physics of Quality to BioGeometry. (See C1-S6)

Sara Smith


b*) Grandmother Sara Smith: “The Turtle Clan Teachings” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Grandmother Sara explains the “Matriarchal Energy contributing to Harmony, Understanding, and Unity” among all people in times of chaos and confusion.

Melvin Morse


c*) Melvin Morse, MD: “Finding the Mystic Within” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Having recently published a case history about it in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Dr. Morse presents the energetic healing protocol of the Delaware Remote Viewer Energy Healing Group. He reports that energy healing can positively effect a patient’s immune system. During the healing phases of energy healing, the healer’s mind has specific effects that can be measured by the output of a true random number generator. Energy healers will have the opportunity to “calibrate” the effectiveness of their healing processes.

Mathole Motshekga


d*) Mathole Motshekga, PhD: “The Cultural and Religious Traditions of Africa” (Lecture:1 hr)
African culture and religion are based on the centrality of the Divine Light, which is rooted in the Khemetic Maxim, “As Above, So Below.”


Tuesday, July 10

College Week
Session 4
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

a) Fadel Behman, PhD
b) Elaine Valdov, PhD
c) Madan Bali, PhD
d) Mikel Lizarralde

PRELUDE: 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. • Meditation led by Sri Madan Bali, PhD, Vedanta master teacher and scholar, and founder of Yoga Bliss

Madan Bali
Joyce Hawkes


a*) Joyce Whiteley Hawkes, PhD: “Practical Applications of the Wisdom of the Sages to Cell-Level Resonance & Healing” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Research tell’s us that the body’s composition is 90% stardust. We are universal in physical nature. We are universally spiritual by nature. By joining the science and spirit of healing we bring harmony to our minds and bodies for wellness, awareness, and service to humanity. Let Dr. Hawkes and Helen Folsom guide you on a fascinating journey.

Elaine Valdov


b*) Elaine Valdov, PhD: “Become a UN Peace Ambassador” (3 hrs)
Dr. Valdov is a peace and human rights activist, conflict resolution specialist, psychotherapist, former Chair of the UN DPI/NGO Executive Committee, and founder of its Outreach Project for a Culture of Peace. She details how you can participate in the UN’s global peace-building efforts, and in fulfilling its Millennium Development Goals.

Melvin Morse


c*) Melvin Morse, MD: “Spiritual Neuroscience: How Consciousness Uses the Brain to Participate in This (Local) Reality” (3 hrs)
The reunion of science and spirituality has led to the development of Spiritual Neuroscience. Get the most out of spiritual practice and energy healing by understanding how the brain works.

Visitacion Merino


d*) Visitacion Merino: “Preparing for the Great Awakening 2012: Master Crystals Speak” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
We will recover lost ancestral light, and everything will flow towards a breakthrough. We´ll travel with our bodies to other universes, and we’ll share knowledge and experience with spirits, angels, guides, God, gods, and the whole spirit world.


Tuesday, July 10

College Week
Session 5
2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

a) Fadel Behman, PhD
b) Cheryl Lam
c) Lilly Rahmann
d) Elaine Valdov, PhD

Stephen Sinatra


a*) Stephen T. Sinatra, MD: “Healing the Heart: Mitochondrial Dynamics in CV Disease and Beyond” (Workshop: 4 hrs)
Gulf War Syndrome, chronic fatigue, migraine headache, and many other conditions, share a common and largely overlooked denominator: mitochondrial damage, deterioration, and dysfunction leading to impaired production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and an increase in oxidative burden. Yet mitochondrial status receives little or no attention in clinical practice. This presentation emphasizes select nutriceuticals to support cellular energy substrates crucial for restoring and rebuilding deficient ATP levels.

Nora Gedgaudas


b*) Nora T. Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT: “Primal Mind: The Vital Connection Between Nutrition, Mental Health and Creating an Ageless Mind” (Workshop: 4 hrs)
Nora Gedgaudas shares the fruits of “more than 25 years of dedicated personal research and understanding … uncontaminated by the varied agendas of educational, economic or political institutions.”

Lilly Rahmann


c*) Lilly Rahmann: “Quantum Energy” (Workshop: 4 hrs)
Usui-Tibetan Reiki Master, certified Quantum Touch Instructor, and certified Hypnosis Instructor, Lilly Rahmann shows us how to reduce physical and emotional pain and inflammation, how to realign bone structures, and demonstrates powerful methods of self-healing.

Michael Tellinger


d*) Michael Tellinger: “The Advanced Technology of the Ancients of Southern Africa” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
More than 10 million circular stone structures lie scattered throughout southern Africa, connected by mysterious channels and a never-ending web of agricultural terraces. The ancients that built them had an advanced knowledge of the use of sound as a source of energy, which they used for everything — even mining.


Tuesday, July 10

College Week
Session 6
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

a) Melvin Morse, MD
b) Marilyn Rossner, PhD
c) Cheryl Lam

PRELUDE: 7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Traditional Sufi Music with Sufi Instrumentalists

Sufi Music
Courtney Brown


a*) Courtney Brown, PhD: “Jesus and Judas: A Remote-Viewing Study of the Crucifixion Event” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
In the hugely influential book, Seth Speaks (channelled by Jane Roberts), Seth states that Jesus was never crucified. Judas and Jesus conspired to dupe the authorities, thereby saving Jesus from what was otherwise going to be a painful and entirely unnecessary event. Another poor soul, who was deluded and who thought he was the Messiah, volunteered to be sacrificed. Judas led the authorities to this person precisely to save Jesus, not to betray him. This study examines this hypothesis carefully using one of the best remote viewers on the planet in a very carefully controlled and fully blinded study.

Abdul Haqq


b*) Shaykh Adbul Haqq: “Putting Spirituality into Practice: Preparing the Heart to Receive Heavenly Outpourings” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
The distinguished Naqshbandi-Sufi leader and scholar, Shaykh Abdul Haqq leads the way to spiritual happiness.

Nora Gedgaudas


c*) Nora T. Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT: “Going Primal” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
Primal Body, Primal Mind author Nora Gedgaudas discusses the advantages of changing your diet, how to get started, how to stick to it, the pitfalls to watch out for, and the many paths to success.

POSTLUDE: 10:15 p.m. to 11:15 p.m. • Mediumship Demonstration with Marilyn Zwaig Rossner, EdD, PhD

Marilyn Rossner

Wednesday, July 11

College Week
Session 7
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

a) Madan Bali, PhD
b) Cheryl Lam
c) Mikel Lizarralde
d) Elaine Valdov, PhD

PRELUDE: 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. • Meditation led by Rev. André Chevalier, gifted student of Dr. Marilyn Rossner and author of three books on life-after-death

André Chevalier
Courtney Brown


a*) Courtney Brown, PhD: “Remote-Viewing: How it is Done” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Dr. Brown, college professor, Director of The Farsight Institute, and author of The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception, describes the process of remote viewing based on methodologies derived from or similar to those developed by the U.S. military.

Olga Mandodari


b*) Olga Mandodari: “Healing Architecture: Indian Vaastu Shastra and Sthapatya Veda” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Russian-born Vaastu Shastra consultant Olga Mandodari elaborates on the Indian concept of “Healing Architecture,” introduced in Conference 1, Session 3.

André Chevalier


c*) Rev. André Chevalier: “Native Respect” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Over the past two decades, Rev. André has developed a strong bond of trust with his native guides. They offer their support and help us understand that we are all one. Tune into the resonance of Mother Earth and the universe through guided meditation. Follow the shamanic approach to spiritual and psychic development — a pleasant and compassionate way to grow in spiritual discipline.

Cairo Rocha


d*) Cairo P. Rocha, PhD, OMD: “The Causes of Diseases” — Part one of two (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Dr. Rocha presents an overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s approach to the causes of diseases, and the journey back to health and harmony. (continued in CW-S8d)


Wednesday, July 11

College Week
Session 8
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

a) P. Roche de Coppens
b) Elaine Valdov, PhD
c) Mikel Lizarralde
d) Cheryl Lam

Peter Roche de Coppens

Roche de Coppens

a*) Peter Roche de Coppens, PhD: “Keys to Realize Happiness” (Lecture/Workshop: 3 hrs)
The latest breakthroughs in science and medicine show the rising importance of happiness (emotional-mental state) for health and overall well-being. Yet happiness presents a basic paradox: while potentially everyone could be happy here on earth, practically speaking, very few are! The reason is that we have confused pleasure (which comes from the world) with joy (which comes from the soul). We’ll expose the “essential element” of happiness, and take note of its unfailing psychological markers so that all attendees will be able to move towards realizing and living a greater happiness.

Michael Tellinger


b*) Michael Tellinger: “How the Lost Civilisation of Southern Africa Effects the Rise of Consciousness Today” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
There seems to be a clear link between the current rise of consciousness and our rapid discoveries of the vanished civilisations of the past and the knowledge that they held.

André Chevalier


c*) Rev. André Chevalier: “Bridging with Spirit” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
As we quiet our minds and taste flavours of enlightenment, we grasp the truth of the soul’s purpose on earth: to reunite with the Godhead. Rev. André’s spiritual support team of native and non-native personalities help him to help you connect with spirit. Drums, music, wisdom and laughter! Come and warm your soul by the light of the sacred fire.

Cairo Rocha


d*) Cairo P. Rocha, PhD, OMD: “The Causes of Diseases” — Part two of two (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Dr. Rocha continues his presentation. See CW-S7d.


Wednesday, July 11

College Week
Session 9
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

a) Judith K. Moore
b) Fadel Behman, PhD
c) Rev. André Chevalier

PRELUDE: 7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Music with Francine Jarry, vocalist & songwriter who creates very special music based on spiritual & universal principles

Francine Jarry
Robert Schwartz


a*) Robert Schwartz: “Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before Your Were Born” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
Author Robert Schwartz explains why we ourselves plan, before we’re born, to experience great challenges in life, and presents some true stories from his book, Your Soul’s Plan, about individuals who planned physical illnesses, having disabled children, deafness, blindness, addictions, losing a loved one, and severe accidents. His talk helps you to see deep meaning and purpose in your own challenges; negative feelings about those experiences may be healed and replaced by acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and peace.

L.A. Marzulli


b*) L.A. Marzulli: “How Ancient Prophets and Their Prophecies Affect Our World Today” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
Are prophecies that were written hundreds of years ago coming to fruition right in front of us? Are these prophecies being usurped by another dialogue that is deliberately trying to obfuscate them? What was the source that these prophets of old tapped into and how may these prophecies affect everyone on this planet in the near future?

Mikel Lizarralde


c*) Mikel Lizarralde, MTC: “Awakening Your Psychic Abilities” (2 hrs)
Telepathy, psychometry, aura, intuitive brain, and so on are words we often hear. But what do these words mean? Discover the divine light within you. Learn how to quiet the mind and listen to your inner voice.

POSTLUDE: 10:15 p.m. to 11:15 p.m. • Mediumship Demonstration with Rev. André Chevalier and Mikel Lizarralde, MTC

André Chevalier and Mikel Lizarralde

Thursday, July 12

College Week
Session 10
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

a) P. Roche de Coppens
b) Rev. Alma Grimaux
c) Emily Markides, PhD
d) Marilyn Rossner, PhD

PRELUDE: 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. • Meditation led by Busta Akong, co-author, with Dr. Constant Madon, of Magical Encounters

Busta Akong
L.A. Marzulli


a*) L.A. Marzulli: “The Cosmic Chess Match” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
The ongoing cosmic battle that has been waged in an unseen dimension for millennia is about to spill over into our dimension. Author L.A. Marzulli presents issues raised in his latest book.

Bernard Grimaux


b*) Rev. Bernard Grimaux, PhD: “Guides, Where are You?” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
By mere coincidence or manifestation of a Supreme Intelligence, human beings called Saints, Guides, Rinpoches, Sages, Philosophers, or Avatars have come to us over millenniums and centuries to guide humanity. But now, at this seemingly crucial time for us, and for the future of the planet, where are they?

Kyriacos Markides


c*) Kyriacos Markides, PhD: “Saints & Sages of Eastern Christianity: Exemplary Models & Teachers of What We May Be” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Dr. Markides continues a 30-year exploration of Christian mysticism through his participant observation work with charismatic healers, monks, hermits and celebrated living saints of Eastern Christianity. He shows us a clearly identifiable experiential mystical tradition within Christianity, and examines the teachings of the great Christian saints: the illnesses of the heart that prevent us from knowing God and who we truly are as human beings; the spiritual laws that govern human existence; the destiny of the human soul; and the different stages one must go through before attaining God realization.

Maria Gomori


d*) Maria Gomori, PhD: “Your Third Birth: Re-Defining Your Self” — Part one of two (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Dr. Maria Gomori is an international workshop leader with a unique way of creatively integrating her own life wisdom with that of other great teachers. She travels the world, demonstrating and applying her interpretation of the Satir model. Her two-part presentation is an experience towards maturity and freedom. (Continued in CW-S11d)


Thursday, July 12

College Week
Session 11
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

a) Fadel Behman, PhD
b) Cheryl Lam
c) Kyriacos Markides
d) Marilyn Rossner, PhD

Fadel Behman


a*) Fadel Behman, PhD, MSc: “Maximum Transformation and Evolution Is Possible Now” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
The individual and collective challenges of 2012 are necessary to bring about the New Golden Age of Humanity and the Healing of the Earth. Expanding consciousness in peace and harmony are gifts from Heaven. Here is your chance to become a co-creator.

Judith K. Moore


b*) Judith K. Moore: “Exploring the Personal Journey of a Visionary in Modern Times” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Cosmic oracle and mystic, Judith K. Moore has received visions from sacred sites in Patmos, Delphi, France, Israel, Scotland, and Egypt that guide humanity to higher states of consciousness. She tells us that this is the time for the power of the saint and sage to awaken humanity.

Robert Schwartz


c*) Robert Schwartz: “Deciphering Your Soul’s Plan” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Your major challenges in life were planned by you in order to foster desired qualities at the soul level. Through the “Divine Virtues Exercise,” you will gain an awareness of what those qualities are. You will then have the opportunity to be regressed to a relevant past life, in order to gain greater insight into your life’s purpose and plan.

Maria Gomori


d*) Maria Gomori, PhD: “Your Third Birth: Re-Defining Your Self” — Part two of two (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Dr. Maria Gomori continues her presentation. See CW-S10d.

OPTION: 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Benefit Psychic & Spirit Tea — Mini-readings with over 25 gifted SSF & Visiting Intuitives (extra-registration)

Marilyn Rossner

Thursday, July 12

College Week
Session 12
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

a) Rev. Bibiane Lyman
b) Elissa Al-Chokhachy
c) Mikel Lizarralde

Sean David Morton


a*) Sean David Morton, PhD: “The Science and Spirit of 2012” (2 hrs)
This multimedia presentation looks at the 2012 enigma from divergent perspectives — the scientific and the spiritual — and arrives at the same conclusions. New discoveries in modern science are converging with ancient Mayan, Egyptian, and Sumerian prophecies. Dr. Morton, renowned intuitive and Remote Viewing pioneer, reveals that, “Mankind must change the destructive path it is on or risk a very difficult transition to the new world that is inexorably coming.”

Roland Bérard


b*) Roland Bérard: “The Tao Te Ching of Psycotherapy: Mindfulness-Based Assisted Self-Discovery (Ron Kurtz Hakomi Method)” (Lecture: 2 hrs)
In a container of Loving Presence, safety and attention to present moment experience, Roland proposes little experiments to allow the unconscious to reveal what is causing unnecessary suffering in our lives, and then creates a nourishing experience to transform whatever image, belief or state has been uncovered. Discover how Hakomi is the Tao Te Ching of therapy and incorporates the wisdom of Ancient Sages and Buddha into our Western approach.

Mikel Lizarralde


c*) Mikel Lizarralde, MTC: “Mediumship, Channelling & Trance” (2 hrs)
Enter the realm of spiritual wonder. Rid yourself of fear, insecurity and old beliefs. Understand the use of energy, how brain waves work, and how they can be manipulated. With proper training, purposeful meditation, and high level exercises, you can build the strong foundation necessary to communicate with the world of spirit. Take a step closer to the other side. It’s only natural. Embrace it!


Friday, July 13

College Week
Session 13
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

a) Rev. Bibiane Lyman
b) Zacciah Blackburn
c) Judith K. Moore

PRELUDE: 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. • Meditation led by Mikel Lizarralde, MTC, Spanish medium, clairvoyant, and tarot reader

Mikel Lizarralde
Sean David Morton


a*) Sean David Morton, PhD: “Sands of Time” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
Dr. Morton discusses concepts and issues raised in his new book, Sands of Time, based on the incredible true story of Dr. Ted Humphrey, and covers such topics as Area 51, The Dulce Mesa Wars, The Montauk Project, Black Ops, The Shadow Government, and Time Technology.

Zacciah Blackburn


b*) Zacciah Blackburn, PhD: “The Three Lights Practice” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
The Three Lights Practice is a meditative technique that is designed to bring us into our innate luminous wisdom. It is based, specifically, upon teachings and understandings of Tibetan Buddhism, which honour the Three Lights of our luminous Rainbow Bodies: Enlightened Mind, Speech, and Heart. By witnessing and honouring this luminous wisdom, we come into alignment with our inherent luminosity, dissolving all “encumbrances” that keep us from directly perceiving reality as it is. Experience Zacciah’s masterful ability to awaken the luminous self through Sacred Sound transmissions, tapping into the wisdom of the luminous ones of the higher realms, and drawing them through his voice into this world.

Judith K. Moore


b*) Judith K. Moore: “The Return of the Beloved Community of the Christ” (Workshop: 3 hrs)
The community of faith that surrounded the mysteries of Jesus and Mary Magdalene have reincarnated, and, now awakened, are a powerful force for the ascension of humanity. Many people do not know that they played a role in the hidden mysteries of the Essene Order of the Beloved. Judith has done hundreds of regressions for people who walked with Jesus and Mary Magdalene. This workshop takes you on a journey beyond time to open the power of the sacred societies of light that now are awakening. It will empower your spiritual service and give you a new hope for humanity.


Friday, July 13

College Week
Session 14
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Fadel Behman, PhD

Fadel Behman


Special Plenary Session

Fadel Behman, PhD, MSc: “The Current Energy Matrix Is Full of Potential for Global Peace” (Lecture: 1½ hrs)
Holistic subtle energies in body, mind, and soul are ascending in vibration and consciousness. Are you riding these energy waves or resisting them? Your choice determines the amount of light, harmony and peace around you. It also determines your level of participation in collective evolution.


Friday, July 13

College Week
Session 15
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Marilyn Rossner, PhD

Marilyn Rossner


Special Plenary Session concluding College Week

International College Graduation Ceremonies & Reception — with refreshments & music (1 hr)
All college participants are urged to attend! An opportunity to socialize! Come and enjoy!

International College Week ends. International Conference 2 begins at 7:30 p.m.