the SSF
Spiritual Science
New Paradigms for Science & Spirituality
The Convergence of Science and Spirituality in Consciousness Studies, Human Psychical Experiences, and Life-Energies Research
The Quest for Meaning in Myths & Mysteries
Symbols, Myths, and the Language of the Unconscious Mind; Dreams, Visions, and Apparitions
Explorations of Human Potentials in Intuition
Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Precognition; and the various forms of Spiritual and Psychic Healing and their effects
“Evidences of Immortality” from Extraordinary Human Experiences and their potentially Transformative effects
“Out-of-the-Body” and “Near-Death-Experiences”; “Mediumship,” “Spirit-Communication,” and various forms of “Post-Mortem Contacts-with-the-Dead”; “Maps of the Afterlife” in great myths, the world’s religions and cultures, and in psychic experiences
Research & Evaluation of Experiences
Reincarnation and “Past Lives” through “Spontaneous Recall” cases or “Regression Therapy”
A Study of the Arcane Symbolism of Spirit and Space Worlds
Modern “Contactee” Literature and Ancient Descriptions of “Heavenly Journeys”
Deciphering Ancient “Maps of Consciousness”
Comparative Meditation Systems and Comparative Mysticism, East and West; The “Gaia Hypothesis”; Cults of the “Divine-Mother,” and Feminine Spiritualities
Esoteric Wisdom Traditions in the World’s Religions and Cultures
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the West; Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism; Native Traditions, Shamanism, and Yoga in the East
Mystical and Psychical Experiences in the Bible and Christianity
Mysticism and Psi in the lives of Prophets and Saints; Invocation of Saints and Angels; Marian Apparitions et al.
Metaphysical Philosophies
Classical Esoteric Traditions, Eastern & Western, Ancient Systems of “Gnosis,” “Modern Spiritualism,” “Theosophy,” and “New Thought Traditions” et al.
Spiritual & Psychic Sciences, and “New Psychologies”
Contemporary Transpersonal & Transcultural Explorations in the Human Psyche and Spirit
The SSF is the interfaith community outreach and public services division of the Spiritualist Yoga Fellowship, a non-denominational Christian Spiritualist religious fellowship or church, incorporating the insights of Yoga and the Modern Spiritualist Movement.
The SSF — which has no “faith requirements” as a prerequisite for membership — has been active at the forefront of the Encounter between the Eastern and Western religious traditions and the Mystical Traditions in the World’s Religions and cultures, east and west. This includes the secularization process in the world today. SSF instructors may be persons from all or no religious traditions who are competent in their subjects.
The SSF (SYF) is an interfaith member-unit of the International Council of Community Churches, which is affiliated with the National Council of Churches, USA, and the World Council of Churches, Geneva. The SSF operates its spiritual educational-outreach programs in cooperation with the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences (IIIHS), an NGO affiliated with the United Nations Department of Public information.
Since the beginning, the SSF has attracted persons from many traditions. It has appealed to those who are aware of the need to rediscover “sciences of the soul and spirit” through which human beliefs in “reality of God, higher worlds, and a purposeful universe” might be experienced and understood upon earth across the man-made barriers that often accompany traditional creeds and cults.
Christian priests, ministers, Jewish rabbis, Moslem Sufi shaykhs, Hindu swamis, Sikhs, Buddhist monks and lamas, Jain monks, Native medicine-men and women, Modern Spiritualist ministers, psychics, mediums, and representatives of other faiths, old and new, have shared the platform at various SSF meetings with scholars and scientists of many persuasions over the past three decades.
The common denominator that has united all of those who have participated in the Fellowship’s services and programs is a readiness to testify to the reality of the spiritual world and of the subtle faculties of psychic perception and spiritual vision through which it may be perceived and or experienced. Spiritual guidance, and its availability to those of all traditions who sincerely seek it, is central to the SSF experience.
Global Perspectives
The SSF is interfaith in perspective. In sociological terms, it is neither a sect nor a cult, nor part of a particular world religion. It has created no dogmas or creeds of its own, and gives place to no single figure or sole religious authority in matters of faith. It is interested in participation by persons from all faiths and traditions. It is a spiritual association for the development of the whole person.
The foundation of the SSF rests upon an implicit understanding of many general principles of higher perceptions, which have been shared by persons in the world’s great religious and spiritual traditions throughout the ages. This includes affirmation of the existence of a “foundational Reality” which all can potentially share, and the preference for “an ethical way of life” in accordance with perceived “natural and spiritual law.” Perennial claims to such transcendental experiences often deal with perceptions of “life-after-death,” and accepting the “reality and value of communication between this and higher worlds of consciousness and spirit.”
The first meetings of the SSF were held at the Mount Royal Hotel in Montreal in the fall of 1977. The purpose was to provide opportunity for interfaith services at which peoples of all traditions could share in the universal gifts of the Spirit. The Fellowship acknowledged the reality of the spiritual world, as well as the existence of natural human psychic and spiritual faculties, and their proper place “in the service of God and humanity.”
Dr. Marilyn Zwaig Rossner, renowned professor of special education, children’s therapist, and gifted sensitive, is the founder of the SSF. Her outstanding work with children’s emotional problems and learning disabilities, as well as her intuitive experiences, have received international recognition.
Growth: “Inner Peace for Outer Peace”
Because it has answered a real need since 1977, the Fellowship has developed, over the years, an associated membership of over 10,000 persons throughout North America and other continents and countries. Due to the dedicated work of leaders and volunteers, Canadian chapters and affiliated or associated groups have been established. The Fellowship has assisted many persons who are seeking answers to the basic questions of the human psyche and spirit, and who are sincere about the pursuit of personal growth and spiritual development.
Emphasis: Transcending Present Limitations
The SSF encourages the pursuit of a greater understanding of the human person, and of humanity’s inner spiritual potential.
Through participation in the activities of the Fellowship, numbers of persons have been helped to see and appreciate the deeper issues, the transcendent elements and sacred mysteries, within the great traditions, East & West. This leads to an increased awareness of the need for cooperation in solving great issues which have presented challenges everywhere in human communities.
Personal Development Classes and Spiritual Educational Programs
The Headquarters of the Fellowship in Montreal and many SSF Chapters and Study Groups have arranged lectures and workshops on a broad spectrum of topics related to human spiritual and psychic experiences. Classes in personal psychic and spiritual development are offered regularly. In Montreal and in some Chapters and Study Groups there has also been provision for regular interfaith worship, meditation, as well as yoga and stress management instruction. Annual conferences/retreats are also held.
An Interfaith Outreach Program
Since its inception, the SSF has provided a ministry training program for persons desiring to prepare themselves for an interfaith ministry in spiritual and psychical studies.
An “International College Program”
In 1984 the SYF-SSF inaugurated a seminary program in a limited-residence plus external-studies format. This program is intended for serious students — whether candidates for the ministry or not — and leads to certificates with a specialization in spiritual and psychical studies.
Volunteer Spiritual Workers
Officers, Spiritual workers, and other functionaries of the SSF receive no salary. The Fellowship relies upon volunteer services freely rendered by all in order to carry on its work.
Marilyn Zwaig Rossner, EdD, PhD
Dr. Marilyn Rossner is the founder-president of the SSF, and vice president and co-founder of the IIIHS. She is a retired professor of special care counselling at Vanier College, Montreal, and has served on the faculties of McGill and Concordia Universities. Dr. Marilyn is an award-winning children’s behaviour therapist, a world-renowned intuitive and visionary, an interfaith minister (ICCC), and the organizer of IIIHS Conferences. She has shared her magnificent gifts of the Spirit throughout the world, and is known for her uplifting messages from the spiritual world, and her visions of what is significant in life now. Dr. Marilyn has appeared on television in many nations, including the CBC’s Beyond Reason show.