
In Search of the Primordial Tradition and the Cosmic Christ
— Fr. John Rossner, PhD
In Search of the Primordial Tradition and the Cosmic Christ is a must for those interested in the Western Esoteric Tradition and its relevance to understanding the contemporary crisis in religion, science, and human culture. Its author, Fr. John Rossner, a visionary priest and professor of comparative religion at Concordia University in Montreal, argues convincingly that there is indeed a “Primordial Tradition” and a “Lost Esoteric Christianity” waiting to be rediscovered by those who are prepared to receive it.
Throughout history “primal experiences” (i.e., visions, apparitions, out-of-the-body journeys, prophecies, divination, telepathy, distant-viewing, and healings) have played a forgotten role in the birth of great religions and civilizations of the world, including Christianity. Modern Western secular culture has lost contact with such psychic roots of ancient wisdom, and regarded them as little more than “pre-scientific superstition.” But today, ancient spiritual insights and modern scientific discoveries have begun to surface and converge, in a process which will eventually bring us to a “second Copernican Revolution” in science, and a better understanding of the origins of human religious experience.
John Rossner is one of those rare Christians who understands that words and concepts are mere pointers to a reality they can never capture. He invites his readers to journey beyond truths into truth, beyond tribal and sectarian gods into God. He recognizes the idolatry of biblical, ecclesiastical and scientific fundamentalism and sketches for us images that resonate with a universal mysticism. He will scare the religiously insecure, but for the honest pilgrim, he can be a Christopher Columbus discovering a new world.
— Rt. Rev. John Spong, D.O.
All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars.
Shipped to addresses within Canada: $32.00 (includes applicable taxes and shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses within the continental United States: $41.00 (includes shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses outside Canada and the continental United States: $42.50 (includes shipping charges)

A Nun’s Search for God
— Sr. Leona Hartman, OTr
This is the touching story of the Spiritual Pilgrimage of a Catholic Nun who — after 40 years of faithful service to her religious community — finds that she is not going to be allowed the freedom by her Provincial Superior to continue to be part of the first ecumenical mission to teach new therapies for children in psychiatric institutions in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe during the days of Glasnost and Perestroika (1989 – 1991). Sr. Leona Hartman describes the simple devout life which allowed her the courage, deep faith, and strength “to obey God rather than human authority,” to leave her community, and go on to renew her vows as a nun in “The Order of the Transfiguration,” a new type of ecumenical Christian order with interfaith perspectives, in which she finally finds peace, equality, and joy in the spirit.
All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars.
Shipped to addresses within Canada: $22.00 (includes applicable taxes and shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses within the continental United States: $20.00 (includes shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses outside Canada and the continental United States: $25.50 (includes shipping charges)

Mother Mary Is Speaking; Who Is Listening?
— Marilyn Zwaig Rossner, EdD, PhD
This book contains the amazing story of “Seven years of Locutions with Mother Mary and Other Saints” in the life of extraordinary visionary, Marilyn Zwaig Rossner, PhD. The story begins during an exciting journey to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, to teach new therapies for children to doctors and psychiatrists during the days of Glasnost and Perestroika, from 1989 to 1991. In these apparitions, which continue to this day, messages from Mother Mary, Jesus, and various saints and sages of East and West, have provided remarkable predictions of major world events, months before their actual occurrence. These include the precise dates of the fall of the Communist government in Czechoslovakia, and the beginning of the demise of the Soviet Union, which occurred with the house arrest of Soviet leader Gorbachev on August 17, 1991. Mother Mary reveals that resistance to the Divine Plan for human and planetary transformation has led to the disasters of human history, and to those of this century in particular. She reveals the encouraging message that there is an “Open Doorway between Heaven and Earth which no power on earth can shut.”
All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars.
Shipped to addresses within Canada: $27.00 (includes applicable taxes and shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses within the continental United States: $30.50 (includes shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses outside Canada and the continental United States: $30.50 (includes shipping charges)

The Priest and the Medium: Heaven Is Closer Than You Think!
— Fr. John Rossner, PhD
This book is about the “fingerprints of Heaven” in the lives of two people, from two divergent religious traditions, who set out on the perennial quest for knowledge of eternal life and the “Restoration of the Heaven and Earth Connection.” Each discovers that “communication with spiritual worlds is real” and that “you too can realize your highest vision, on Earth as in Heaven!”
All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars.
Shipped to addresses within Canada: $32.00 (includes applicable taxes and shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses within the continental United States: $32.00 (includes shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses outside Canada and the continental United States: $42.50 (includes shipping charges)

Religion, Science and Psyche
— Fr. John Rossner, PhD
“Studying Religion with Another Part of the Brain — The Magic, Science and Religion of Personal Psychic Development” is an extensive personal case study in Silva Mind Control as a new-old mind technology which could shed light on the phenomenological origins of the primitive religious conceptions of prayer, meditation and ritual as effective technologies of the mind and spirit.
All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars.
Shipped to addresses within Canada: $30.00 (includes applicable taxes and shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses within the continental United States: $35.00 (includes shipping charges)

Psychic Influences in World Religion
— James F. Malcom
“Man lives in a vast, apparently boundless universe, his physical existence being but a mere moment of time in the limitless ages of eternity.”
All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars.
Shipped to addresses within Canada: $25.00 (includes applicable taxes and shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses within the continental United States: $30.00 (includes shipping charges)

The Prayer Book
— translated and edited by Sr. Leona Hartman, OTr, PhD
“This prayer book, containing the Eucharistic Liturgy together with the rites for administration of the sacraments and other services of the Catholic Christian Community Churches in Canada, is the result of over a century of devout usage in the French language.”
All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars.
Shipped to addresses within Canada: $20.00 (includes applicable taxes and shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses within the continental United States: $25.00 (includes shipping charges)

Exposing Terrorism
— Ed McGaa, J.D., aka “Eagle Man”
“If this is not an important book for this day and age of abundant automatic firearms, homemade bombs and worse … atomic weapons, I don't know what is.”
All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars.
Shipped to addresses within Canada: $25.00 (includes applicable taxes and shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses within the continental United States: $30.00 (includes shipping charges)

Conversations Beyond the Light
— Dr. Pat Kubis & Mark Macy
“A new science is being born, the science of Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC). Today, using high-tech communication, the “dead” are now transmitting information to our scientists in pictures, text and voice via television screens, computers and telephones. … At last the “veil of death” has been penetrated!”
All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars.
Shipped to addresses within Canada: $25.00 (includes applicable taxes and shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses within the continental United States: $30.00 (includes shipping charges)

Miracles in the Storm
— Mark H. Macy
Mark H. Macy was an agnostic until a brush with death set him on a spiritual search in the 1980s. He learned about the miracles of ITC — personal letters planted mysteriously in computers by invisible hands, images from other realms flashing across TV screens, and actual phome calls from angels. And when a voice from Beyond came through a radio with a long personal greeting. Macy’s skeptical mind had the proof it required to believe.
All prices are quoted in Canadian dollars.
Shipped to addresses within Canada: $25.00 (includes applicable taxes and shipping charges)
Shipped to addresses within the continental United States: $30.00 (includes shipping charges)