A comprehensive new curriculum including the following areas of study:
An Interfaith Seminary & International College Program
for the Study of Transformative Spiritual & Psychic Experiences
which are at the Roots of Faith in the World’s Religions & Cultures…
while remaining true to one’s own Faith & Highest Vision
SSF Seminary &
College Program
— A Guided Independent Study Program
The Program covers four basic areas:
I. Personal Spiritual & Psychic Development
Laying the foundation for personal understanding & service in the psychospiritual field, through familiarity with such areas as relaxation, breathing, mind-body techniques, yoga, meditation, concentration, visualization, intuition, and creativity. This will include the study of the various gifts of the spirit and experiences in traditions throughout the human family involving clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychometry, precognition & prophecy, psychic & spiritual healing, altered states, trance, various mental and/or physical forms of mediumship, inspirational speaking & writing, channeling, psychic & spiritual forms of art & music. Our objective is to understand ways for the general enhancement of intuition and one’s personal creativity in various modes of expression in global terms.
II. East-West Spirituality and the Quest for Universal Human Values in the World’s Religions & Cultures
… through religious experience research and the study of human psyche &
spirit, specific forms of mystical, psychic, and spiritual experience in
Eastern and Western civilizations in ancient & modern times: native &
indigenous traditions and the major world religions — Christianity
(Gospel, Prophecy, Saints & Mystics), Judaism (Bible, Prophecy,
Kabbalah & Hasidism), Islam (Sufism),
Hinduism (Yoga &
Vedanta), Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, etc.; holy books & sacred
traditions of the world; comparative mysticism; comparative meditation
systems; the history of various esoteric ideas & groups, from the
Renaissance to the Modern Spiritualist Movement and related traditions;
esoteric traditions in the 19th & 20th Centuries; contemporary religious &
spiritual movements; metaphysical traditions; forms of sacred healing;
ancient & modern spiritual literature, music, art & culture; the power of
myths & symbols, sacred & profane in human life.
III. New Paradigms for the Convergence of Science and Spirituality Emerging from New Sciences of Consciousness, Healing, and the Human Psyche
Psychical research and transpersonal studies examining transformative psychic & spirit experiences, dreams, visions, apparitions, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, “heavenly journeys,” spiritual and sacred healing, concepts of the soul and immortality in both Western & Eastern religions; ancient & modern experiences involving the arcane symbolism of contacts with spirit and space worlds; the new physics, the new medicine, the new psychologies, alternative and traditional conceptions of healing in traditional societies; religious, racial, ethnic & gender equality; planetary ecology; images of a new humanity in the arts and human cultures.
IV. Pastoral Studies in Therapeutic Counselling and Interfaith Ministry
Instruction in the forms and ethics of therapeutic counselling; intuitive and psychic message bearing; gifts of the spirit; public speaking; conducting interfaith and religious services of worship; performance of rites and ceremonies in various types of religious traditions; weddings; spiritual-unions; ministering to the sick, to the dying; funerals, the ethics and the ministration of spiritual & psychic healing; spiritual music as therapy; ministering to the bereaved; organizing & administering religious associations, groups & centres; a clergy-person’s code of ethics and professional life; ecumenical & interfaith relations; community service.
The ICSPS is the College & Seminary Program of the SSF/SYF, an interfaith member unit of the ICCC, an affiliate of the World Council of Churches. Academic curriculum and faculty are arranged by the IIIHS, an NGO affiliated with the United Nations DPI.
Format & Requirements of the College Program
The required Course Residence-Period is for one week including
the annual SSF/IIIHS International Conference in Montreal during the summer.
This is combined with an At-Home Studies Program under the guidance of the
The At-Home Studies may begin at any time during the year as soon as you have been accepted into the College Program, whether before or after the Residence.
Specified workshops, classes, and intensives offered through the SSF/IIIHS headquarters, chapters, or study groups may be designated for elective credit within the program.
Studies beyond the basic-certificate level are tailored to the special interest of the candidate from the general subject areas of the curriculum. Comprehensive examinations are scheduled for all certificates.
Candidates for Graduate Certificates on Levels IV and V (equivalent to masters and doctoral programs) may elect to pursue either a thesis or a non-thesis option. The non-thesis option may include either a research project and report or a significant program of service.
(with Ministry or Humanities Tracks)
Undergraduate Programs
Level I: Comprehensive Certificate Program (CSPS) Total: 30 Credits
1st year — 30 Credits
Certificate in Spiritual & Psychic Science
(Prerequisite to all College Programs)
Level II: (Equivalent to an Associate Program) Total: 60 Credits
2nd year — 30 Credits
Level III: (Equivalent to a Baccalaureate Program) Total: 90 Credits
3rd year — 30 Credits
Graduate Programs
Level IV: (Equivalent to a Master’s Program)Total: 40 Graduate Credits
1 year of 40 credits beyond Baccalaureate
Level V: (Equivalent to a Doctoral Program)Total: 120 Graduate Credits
2 years of 80 credits beyond Masters
Tuition Fees: $40 CDN per credit. Application and assessment fee: $40 CDN, to accompany application and request for assessment of credits for previous work.
The educational programs of the ICSPS are open to members of the SSF/IIIHS. Membership in these interfaith religious and educational associations is open to all persons who wish to pursue the objectives of human psychophysical integration and psychospiritual awareness.
Credits may be awarded for professional and life experience and/or prior work elsewhere in the field of spiritual and psychic sciences.
1. The Programs of the International College
Thank you for showing an interest in the programs of the International College of Spiritual & Psychic Sciences, the interfaith seminary program of the Spiritual Science Fellowship (SSF). This is our catalogue describing the new curriculum and the format of our Guided Independent Studies Program and Limited Residence Periods.
2. A New Curriculum taught by Pioneer Scholars, Scientists, & Religious Leaders.
We believe that we have put together an exciting new curriculum. We have an exceptional Faculty consisting of some of the world’s pioneer scholars, scientists, religious leaders, and practicing professionals in the various areas of spiritual and psychic sciences, healing, and human conscious studies.
3. A Comprehensive Background for Service in the Spiritual & Psychic Sciences
We have consequently been able to present an array of interesting subjects not usually available in traditional academic settings. Our objective is to provide you with a truly comprehensive background in the spiritual and psychic sciences, both for the development of your own human potentials, and — if it is your purpose — preparation for a lifetime of balanced and informed service, ministry, counselling, and/or independent teaching in the psychospiritual field in increasingly multi-cultural and multi-religious societies all over the world today.
4. Instruction in Interfaith Ministry & Counselling for Persons in All Traditions
Our interfaith studies program is intended for inner-directed mature
persons in all religious and cultural traditions — whether clergy or
laity — who are self-employed or employed elsewhere for monetary
support, and who are preparing for the leadership of spiritual groups,
interfaith centres, or are already practicing therapists, counsellors,
independent professionals in the fields of spiritual teaching, healing
and/or pastoral counselling.
5. An Option for Some: Preparation for Ordination in the Spiritual Science Fellowship
Those who feel they are called to such a vocation have the possible option — if qualified — of applying for eventual ordination for an interfaith ministry with the Spiritual Science Fellowship. All applicants must be members — or become members — of the SSF/IIIHS at the time of applying to enter a college program.
The SSF in an interfaith member-unit of the International Council of Community Churches, an affiliate of the National Council of Churches, USA, the Consultation on Church Union, USA, and the World Council of Churches, Geneva.
Additional requirements in terms of pastoral experience, internship, volunteer service, and other qualifications are listed in the SSF’s Ministry Program Brochure.
6. Certificates from the International College
The certificates offered by the SYF/SSF’s International College of Spiritual & Psychic Sciences are not university degrees. They are Certificates of Accomplishment issued by the Seminary Program of a religious body in the preparation of some of its members for ordination as Interfaith Ministers and other members for independent spiritually-motivated service in the development of universal human potentials among persons of all faiths.
7. Degree Equivalents: an Option After Graduation
Graduates of our seminary program successfully completing all our requirements and holding levels III, IV & V Certificates have been deemed by the Board of Medicina Alternativa & The Open International University of Columbo, Sri Lanka, to have satisfied all of their equivalent requirements, respectively, for the awarding of a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate in Therapeutic counselling, (with an emphasis in East-West Spirituality & Therapeutic Counselling).
Thus, after receiving a Certificate (Levels III, IV, or V) and a Letter of Recommendation from our Seminary Program, a graduate residing anywhere in the world may independently apply for Matriculation, and pay a Notarization Fee of $295 US (International Bank Money Order) directly to Medicina Alternativa & The Open International University in Columbo, Sri Lanka. Applicants will receive the appropriate degree by post from Columbo, Sri Lanka as follows:
B.T.C. Bachelor of Therapeutic Counselling — for holders of our Level III Certificate.
M.T.C. Master of Therapeutic Counselling — for holders of our Level IV Certificate.
Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy (Specialization in Therapeutic Counselling) — for holders of our Level V Certificate.
It is important to note that the Open International University Degrees are not our degrees and that the IIIHS, SYF/SSF and/or the International College of Spiritual & Psychic Sciences or their representatives do not act either as an agent or a guarantor for — or a branch of — Medicina Alternativa or the Open International University. It was a free decision of the latter bodies to assess our Curriculum, accept our credits on par, and to state that they would award their degrees to our individual graduates, from anywhere in the world, after completion of our programs.
1. Complete the Application Form
Fill-out the Application Form provided with this brochure and send it to the College Registrar, together with the following:
If you did not receive an application form please contact us for one.
2. Obtain Letters of Reference (forms enclosed)
Ask two (2) of your (former) teachers or any two (2) clergy or professional persons who know you well to complete the enclosed Letters of Reference. Ask that they send them directly to the College Registrar.
3. Request Your School & University Transcripts
Request all of your former schools, colleges, or universities to post directly to our College Registrar your official Transcripts, including grades, indication of graduation, and any degrees you have earned.
4. Receive Letter of Acceptance into Program
When all of these items have been received and assessed by the Dean and/or the appointed Faculty Representatives, if qualified you will be notified of your acceptance into the Comprehensive Certificate Program and informed of the next Level of Certificate to which you are entitled to proceed.
1. Acceptance into Undergraduate Levels
Each applicant’s curriculum vitae will be assessed to determine credits allowable for previous studies & life-experience.
2. Academic Credit for Those Who Have Previous Studies Elsewhere, or Professional or Life-Experience in the Spiritual and Therapeutic Fields
Previous professional or life-experience may shorten the usual period required for earning various certificates equivalent to the bachelors, masters, or doctorate degrees. There is normally a one year minimum time requirement for each level, from Levels I through IV. Level V is normally 2 years beyond Level IV, but will be shortened to 1 year for those who enter with sufficient advanced credits. The number of credits specified in a given certificate program must be paid-for even when time requirements are shortened.
3. Acceptance into Graduate Levels
Those who have already earned a university bachelor’s or master’s degree — or equivalent — in any subject may be permitted to enroll in the Basic Certificate Program Level I and become simultaneously a candidate for the next higher (graduate degree-equivalent) Certificate in our program. (i.e. those with a BA or equivalent may be accepted as candidates for the masters equivalent Certificate Level IV; and those with an MA or equivalent may be accepted as candidates for the doctoral equivalent Certificate Level V.)
1. Complete Your Registration
As soon as you have received your Letter of Acceptance into the Program from the Dean, you may Register and begin your studies at any time during the year by paying half of your Tuition for the Basic Comprehensive Certificate and any other level of certificate that you may be working on simultaneously (e.g. III, IV, or V).
2. Receive Course Outlines & Start Reading
You will then receive your course outline, bibliography & reading assignment lists, and take-home examinations. Start your reading and do your studies at home at your own pace.
3. Pre-Register for the Next SSF/IIIHS International Conference & College Residence Week in Montreal
Pre-register now for the next available SSF/IIIHS International Conference & College Residence-Week in Montreal during the summer months. Plan to attend and complete your course residence requirements at that time.
4. Take Examinations at Your Own Pace
As soon as you feel adequately prepared, you may complete your examinations at home one by one, and send them in. (Please pay the remaining credits in each course before you submit the examinations in that course. The same applies to credits for thesis or non-thesis options.)
5. Choose a Thesis or Non-Thesis Option for Graduate Studies
Thesis or Non-Thesis option projects for Graduate Students (masters or doctoral equivalent Certificates) may be completed at any time, in consultation with your mentor or advisor. This option will be chosen at the beginning of your graduate studies.
1. Receiving Certificates from the College
Regular awarding of College Certificates will only take place during the annual International College Residence Week in Montreal in May. But if you do not finish all your requirements by the time you come to the Residence Week, you may submit all the final work required with full payments by the end of August and you will receive the Certificate at that time. Your Certificate will then be mailed to you.
2. An Option After Graduation — Receiving Equivalent Degrees from the Open International University: BTC, MTC, & PhD
The Open International University will require a prior letter of verification directly from the SSF/IIIHS stating that you have successfully completed all the requirements for our College Certificate Program at the level of accomplishment equivalent to the degree being sought.
This letter of verification will be sent by the SSF/IIIHS, if you so request, upon your graduation from the International College Program, and you will receive, directly from Medicina Alternativa and The Open International University in Sri Lanka, a code of professional ethics and an application form to fill out and return directly to them with the required Sri Lanka notarization fee (see paragraph 7 on page 5 supra).
The Open International University for Complementary Medicines was established as per 1962 World Health Organization Alma Ata Declaration and accorded international recognition to make Alternative Medicines popular and established under the authority of Medicina Alternativa International. It was further recognized as a deemed University by the authority of the President of Sri Lanka by Ref. No. 1961 of March 25, 1988. In collaboration with and recognized by the United Nations Peace University constituted under United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 35/55/5/XII/80, August 15, 1988.
The Faculty & Administration
The Rev. Marilyn Zwaig Rossner, PhD, EdD, President & Dean
Sri Madan Bali, PhD
Fadel Behman, PhD
Noris Binet, PhD
Adam Crabtree, PhD
Maria Gomori, M.S.W., PhD
Rev. Bernard Grimeau, PhD
Kyriakos Markides, PhD
Jock McKeen, MD
Fr. John Rossner, PhD, DLitt
Elaine Valdov, PhD
Joel Whitton, MD, PhD
Ben Wong, MD
Registrar: Rev. Bibiane Lyman, PhD
Bursar: Karen Scott, RN
Chaplain: Sr. Leona Hartman, OTr, PhD
Liaison Officer: Rev. Joyce Liechenstein, PhD
The Adjunct Faculty
There are many additional Adjunct Faculty members consisting of qualified and distinguished scholars, scientists, religious leaders, and others contributing to the New Sciences of Consciousness & Healing and Inter-Religious & Inter-Cultural Dialogue from many Faiths who are invited to participate as lecturers and instructors during our annual International College Week limited-residence periods, in Montreal.
The International College of Spiritual and Psychic Sciences is the Registered Name & Title of the Official Seminary and the College Programs Division of the Spiritualist Yoga Fellowship/La Fraternité du Yoga Spiritualiste (aka the Spiritual Science Fellowship of Canada), a non-profit interfaith religious body federally incorporated by Letters Patent issued by the Government of Canada in 1977, and subsequently empowered by Supplementary Letters Patent in 1984 (File Number 518 signed by the Deputy Registrar General of Canada) “…to operate a seminary or theological college and … to award appropriate degrees and certificates,” and authorized to operate in the Province of Quebec under a Dispensation “… to teach spiritual & psychic sciences” issued by the Directorate Générale de Education Privé du Québec on May 24, 1985.
The SSF/SYF is an Interfaith Member-unit of the International Council of Community Churches, an affiliate of the World Council of Churches, Geneva.
Academic programs, Curriculum & Faculty are arranged for the College by The International Institute of Integral Human Sciences. The IIIHS is a Non-Governmental Organization affiliated with the United Nations Department of Public Information, and dedicated to the Convergence of Science & Spirituality and Universal Human Values in the World’s Religions & Cultures.