Frequently Asked Questions
What type of topics will be presented?
Our conference is an international event that addresses the integration of science and spirituality. Many attendees tell us that the event is life-changing because of the scope, universality and depth of significant topics covered. Some presenters will discuss known topics in the alternative, holistic or spiritual fields, while others will offer cutting-edge information that few people have heard about. The purpose of the conference is not just to provide attendees with new information, but to offer an opportunity for integration so that real personal change is possible.
Is the conference intended only for advanced spiritual seekers and top-level scientific researchers?
Our conference welcomes people from all backgrounds and levels of development. Our unique ten-day program is so rich and varied in content that both the curious novice and the expert metaphysician or researcher can find topics of great interest.
What is included in your conference? Do I have to pay for the mini-concerts and activities between workshops and lecture sessions?
We offer a balanced and holistic program, which includes many lectures, hands-on workshops, musical presentations, silent or guided meditations, classes, spirit contact demonstrations sessions and joyful events. The Conference is a fun international networking opportunity where attendees meet and share common interests. Session prices include preludes and postludes. Only presentations identified as “OPTIONS” entail additional charges. Note that there is a $20 surcharge for non-current SSF-IIIHS members (2018–2019). For non-members who plan to attend only one session, the surcharge will be waived.
Do I have to be an SSF member to attend the conference?
The conference is open to the general public. Anyone can join us at this unique event.
Are you part of a religious group?
We are a non-denominational organization comprised of people from different spiritual and philosophical convictions. Religious, non-religious and agnostic people alike have been enjoying our conferences for years. We share common values as well as universal, spiritual and humanistic ideals in open-mindedness, diversity, respect and unity. Our programs are sure to offer many topics of interest to all, irrespective of their model of the world.
What happens once the conference ends?
Our staff and volunteers work hard to offer other unique programs and courses throughout the year, in Montréal and in other locations. For those interested in the integration of science and spirituality, our seasonal programs include spiritual sessions, gatherings and workshops on Metaphysics, new Paradigms of consciousness, personal and intuitive development, health and wellness, shamanism, yoga, energy healing, meditation, etc. For more information, please visit our main website.