The 44th Annual SSF-IIIHS Int’l Conference
The Next Step Forward “on Earth as it is in Heaven”


Session 10
Mon., Aug. 19, 2019 • 7:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. • $35

Evening Calendar

PRELUDE:  Gaelynn Lea7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Mini-Concert with Gaelynn Lea, American folk singer, violinist, public speaker and disability advocate

PROGRAM:  8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Sam Semir Osmanagich, PhD

a*) Sam Semir Osmanagich, PhD: “Pyramids Around the World” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
The world of the past was the world of pyramids. The original and superior pyramids of Egypt were not tombs for pharaohs. Pyramids on Mexican soil never served as ceremonial places to sacrifice enemies (except for those of the Aztecs). Sam Semir Osmanagich, PhD, has investigated hundreds of pyramids around the world, and has arrived at his own conclusions about their origins.

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Gaelynn Lea

b*) Gaelynn Lea: “Disability Pride, Enrichment, and Inner Freedom” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Gaelynn explains how her disability has affected her life, beginning with a broad overview of disability awareness, including the barriers still facing people with disabilities in our society. She discusses the ways in which everyone can be an ally to remove these barriers and help create a new culture around disability that is rooted in equality rather than pity. She explores the intersection of enrichment, inner freedom, and disability pride, and explains how her disability has led her to discover several important breakthroughs that have helped her to live a more authentic, empowered life. She closes the workshop by exploring the ways these insights apply to every human being.

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Rajiv Parti, MD

c*) Rajiv Parti, MD: “Finding Healing: Completing Your Past Life Stories” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
The soul is eternal. We all have many past lives that continue to influence our present, both positively and negatively, be it in health, relationships, finances, spiritual growth or phobias. They stem from things like unfinished contracts, traumas, talents, abuse, or love. Dr Parti shows you how they can be healed, using various modalities such as Mindfulness, Radical Forgiveness, Release Practice, Reiki, EFT and Chakra Balancing.

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Life After Death

d*) Panel: “Life After Death” (Workshop: 2 hrs)
Distinguished panellists include Raymond Moody, MD, celebrated psychiatrist and NDE expert; Jeffrey Long, MD, author of Evidence of the Afterlife; Marilyn Rossner, PhD, retired professor of special care counselling and internationally-acclaimed intuitive; Eben Alexander, MD, neurosurgeon and author of Proof of Heaven; Karen Newell, cofounder of Sacred Acoustics™; Rev. Mikel Lizarralde, PhD, internationally recognized Spanish medium; and Paola Cordoma Poloni, LM, transpersonal psychology specialist.

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POSTLUDE:  Messages from Above10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Mediumship Demonstration with Spirit Messages featuring Marilyn Zwaig Rossner, EdD, PhD, Jacques, and Paola Cordoma Poloni, LM

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*Simultaneous presentations: Select a or b or c

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